3 questions and 3 recommendations
not to be put aside

Why implement a disk encryption project?
What are the real-life issues you may encounter ?

With the testimonial of M.P LECLERCQ from DASSAULT AVIATION

Encryption is a key passive defense for any company wishing to ensure proper data confidentiality management within its infrastructure.

For a company,
the damages associated with the theft or loss of a laptop amount to far more than just the value of the hardware.
Losing the information stored on a laptop's hard disk or the mere communication of that information to a third party can generate all sorts of serious problems: recovery of sensitive information by the competition, damage to brand image, etc., to say nothing of the possible legal and regulatory implications.

This whitepaper is intended to provide CIOs and CISOs with 3 tips they need to carry out an encryption project successfully. The pointers in this document should therefore be seen as the starting point for rethinking your approach to data confidentiality and to ensure it is consistent with the digital transformation of your organisation.


 "When looking at the challenges behind encryption, it is
indeed extremely important to look at the subject from the operational and production angle as much as from  an information system security department (ISS) angle."

Marie-Pierre LECLERCQ
Dassault Aviation Information Systems Department Technical Architect 

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